AnnuityScore Project

Financial Advisor

Web Design


AnnuityScore is a company that provides financial advisors with a powerful new software evaluation tool to help them navigate the complex world of annuities. This $5 trillion market is primarily for retirement accounts, and our product is designed to give advisors the tools they need to make informed decisions for their clients.
My Role: UX/UI web design
Tools: Figma, Photoshop, Illustrator.


The company is in the process of redesigning its home page and is seeking a design that will help bring its vision to life. Their technical team has experience in development, but no design experience to create a visually stunning and easy-to-use website.


  • Design the home page, the company.
  • Use background images that incorporate the brand's color palette.
  • Add a featured video button with a visually appealing design to draw attention to the explainer video.
  • Keep the current design of the web subsections, which float on top of the background images.
  • Use a dark theme for the website to create a modern and sophisticated aesthetic.

Old design


I have designed a home page that meets the goals and characteristics set forth. I have used dark tones, separated sections with background colors, and used blurred background images to create a cohesive and visually appealing design.
The overall color scheme of the design follows the colors of the brand, creating a cohesive and on-brand look.

Color Palette


Complete Home page

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